Tooth enamel defect
Our teeth are exposed to mechanical and chemical attacks on a daily basis. It starts with chewing while eating and brushing while brushing your teeth. Above all, however, it is the acidic drinks and food and even healthy fruit that attack the surface of the tooth enamel over time. Microscopic defects arise. Even the most beautiful set of teeth will wear out over time. Tooth enamel is getting thinner and thinner.
Possible consequences could be:
- The teeth become sensitive and react painfully to cold and hot.
- The teeth become more prone to tooth decay.
- The teeth get smaller and shorter and no longer clash.
Our solution: Nordic Smile toothpastes contain 20% artificial tooth enamel and, provided that they are used daily, prevent wear and tear on the teeth.
Nordic Smile is deposited on the tooth surface and forms a protective layer against wear and tear. Nordic Smile also closes open dentinal tubules (so-called tubules) and thus reduces the sensitivity of the teeth. The result: after the first use, you will notice in the tongue test that your teeth feel much smoother.