The tooth traffic light: on the trail of tooth enamel eaters
The hardest substance in our body is tooth enamel. It protects our teeth, but it is not invulnerable. Even with regular, thorough dental care, the enamel is exposed to many attacks – often unknown to us. Acids in food and drinks are particularly troublesome for him. The damage that these acids inflict on our tooth enamel are initially invisible to the naked eye. On average, tooth enamel decreases by about 5 nanometers per day. Healthy tooth enamel in adults is between 1.5 and 3 millimeters thick. With advancing age, the consequences are often visible and noticeable: exposed tooth necks, periodontitis and can even lead to early loss of teeth.
It is all the more important to track down these hidden enamel eaters and counteract the breakdown of tooth enamel with the right dental care. This can be achieved with Nordic Smile: Hydroxyapatite forms a protective layer on the teeth and acts like a protective shield against acid attacks.
This is how it works
Assess how badly the following foods attack tooth enamel. Evaluate according to the traffic light principle:

red Highest risk for tooth enamel!
yellow Beware: there are worse things, but this food is not a pleasure for your tooth enamel!
green Everything in the green area on tooth enamel!